2. About AIS
  3. Study Abroad Program
  4. Clare Hall, University of CambridgeSummer Visiting Students Program

Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
Summer Visiting Students Program

Founded in 1209, as one of the oldest universities in the world, University of Cambridge which leads academic communities features the traditional British college system and a self-governing community by scholars. Clare Hall is one of the 31 colleges on campus. The most important policy is accepting scholars of various fields from around the world, and providing a place for them to think to expand their study and research. This program is based on the agreement between Clare Hall and RCAST regarding summer visiting students in 2011, for students of the Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies. It aims to deepen students' knowledge and build networks.

2024 Application Requirements

Eligibility Primarily students in the RCAST Department of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies. This course gives you the credit of Leadership-talent Growth Program II "English in Advanced Science and Technology". Registration is necessary.
Young researchers (faculty members) are also included in the target applicants.
Aim Participation in entrepreneurship training and academic exchange at the University of Cambridge, UK
Accommodation Clare Hall, graduate college at the University of Cambridge, established in 1965
No. of Students 2 (by selection process)
*2 students (2016), 3 students (2017), 2 students (2018), 1 student (2019), 2 students (2022), 2 students (2023)
Duration Up to 4 weeks from June 2024 to July 2024
A specific schedule may be negotiated with Clare Hall.
Cost The following actual expenses will be covered by RCAST:
Travel expenses, local transportation, accommodation, and Entrepreneurship Training tuition
*No daily allowance will be provided, as stipulated in the University of Tokyo Travel Expense Regulations.
Program Ignite Program will start from June 30th
  • 1st week
    (Required) Entrepreneurship Training: Ignite Program by Judge Business School
    *Tuition to be paid by RCAST
  • 2nd week onwards
    (Optional) Academic Exchange at Cambridge University Laboratory
    (Optional) Attending International Summer Programme
    *Tuition to be paid by the students
  1. Make your plan to visit laboratories at the University of Cambridge and submit it at
    Strategic Planning Office.
  2. Students wishing to participate in the International Summer Programme are responsible for their tuition fees.
  3. The participants must submit a research activity written and oral report after returning.
    past reports
  4. Ability to discuss and present in English.
  5. Candidates must satisfy one of the following language requirements if you participate in International Summer Programme:

* Some candidates, with English experiences, e.g. study abroad, may be eligible to apply without the above. (The score must be after May 2020 or later)

IELTS open new window : Academic/Academic for UKVI Score of 6.5 (min. score 6.5 in each element)

Cambridge English open new window : Proficiency Grade A/B/C

Cambridge English open new window : Advanced Grade A/B

TOEFL open new window : internet-based Test (iBT) Total score of 92(min. score 22 in each element)

Documents ・Curriculum Vitae with photograph
・Summer Visiting Student Program Application Form
・Certificate of English ability as referred above.
※ In the case of acceptance, recommendation letter in English from the supervisor is required.
Deadline March 29th, 2024, at noon
Internal Review Participants’ application will be screened by the Strategic Management Office, and the result will be passed to you through the supervisor.


Strategic Planning Office, E-mail : international@rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp



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