The Department of Advanced Disciplinary Studies (AIS) is a venue for groundbreaking and trailblazing basic research and applied research in advanced fields of science and technology. It also provides education and research guidance on research relating to such research (research on research).
Requirements for Completion of Doctoral Program
■The subjects required for completion differ between the General Course and the Innovator Course.
Please refer to the following.
AIS Doctoral Program: Requirements(PDF)
- Period of Enrollment : 3 years(Shortened completion : 2 years, Long-term enrollment scheme : ~ 6 years)
- Pass the doctoral thesis review
- Obtaining 20 or more credits is required for completion of program
Characteristic Elective Subjects
In addition to Leadership-talent growth programs, unique programs which make good use of the interdisciplinarity nature of RCAST, and characteristic elective subjects are prepared.
Specifically, the three years of study is based on seven omnibus courses, which deal with the latest themes and frontline activities in various fields researched by RCAST teaching staff, and laboratory and practical subjects that equip students with the expertise to prepare their doctoral theses. From the 2010 academic year two new programs, the Barrier-Free Program and the Environment/Energy Program, were added as alternatives to the General Program.
Syllabus(in Japanese, PDF)
Barrier-Free Programs
In order to get rid of various barriers accompanied by science and technology and for the development of society in the modern world, RCAST aims to nurture human resources who can take an active role in new interdisciplinary areas which connect 'human and society,' 'technology and thought,' acquiring disability studies, welfare engineering, cognitive behavioral science, assistive disability technology, and so on.
Advanced Barrier-Free Special Exercise (I) and (II): 12 credits
For selected requirements:(4 credits, for Innovator Development Course, 6 credits)
- Advanced Barrier-Free
- Leadership-Talent Growth Program (I) and/or (II)
For elective subjects: (4 credits, for Innovator Development Course, 2 credits)
- Disability Studies
- Human Assistive Engineering
- Assistive Information System Engineering
- Advanced Course on Tojisha-kenkyu (First-Person Study)
Environment and Energy Program
As to the international issues of global environment and energy, RCAST nurtures human resources who can, with a coolheaded perspective, discuss methodology which leads to substantive settlements of the issues, embracing issues related to environment and energy from technology development to politics, economy, and diplomacy, without overemphasizing climate change only.
Advanced Environment and Energy Special Experiments and Special Exercise: 12 credits
For selected requirements:4 credits (for Innovator Development Course, 6 credits)
- Advanced Environment and Energy (2 credits)
- Leadership-Talent Growth Program (I) or (II) (2 credits)
For elective subjects: 4 credits (for Innovator Development Course, 2 credits)
- Environmental Science I and II
- Energy Science I and II
- Resources and Energy I
Characteristic Elective Subjects
To learn basics again. To renew unprofessional fields with the latest knowledge
- Fundamentals of Advanced Materials and Devices
- Fundamentals of Advanced Information System
- Fundamentals of Advanced Life Science
To broadly learn research movements and social movements in the current remarkable fields
- Special Lecture of AIS (1 credit)Schedule for Special Lecture of AIS 2024 (PDF)
- Environmental Science I and II (1 credit for each)- Energy Science I and II (1 credit for each)
Seven omnibus courses
- Advanced Research Strategy and Social Systems (2 credits)
- Advanced Materials and Devices (2 credits)
- Advanced Information Systems (2 credits)
- Advanced Life Studies (2 credits)
- Advanced Intellectual Property Rights (2 credits, offered every other year)
- Advanced Environmental/Energy Studies (2 credits)
- Advanced Barrier-Free Studies (2 credits)
Leadership-talent growth programs (The PPP Educational System)
Aiming to nurture 'personnel with leadership (leadership-talent),' in addition to traditional curricula with general type of lectures, AIS offers student-lead curricula, namely, 'Leadership-talent growth program (I)' and (II), in which students' actively attend lectures and cultivate the 'capability of self-education' as aims.
AIS aims to nurture human resources with high performance through cultivating skills in proposal writing and presentation.
This program is called 'PPP Education' in RCAST combining the initials of 'Proposal,' 'Presentation,' and 'Performance.'
Leadership-talent growth program (I)-Proposal-
In the 'Leadership-talent growth program (I)-Proposal-' ,students build up excellent skills to create documents about their own research initiative in a logical manner and with a high level of originality and creativity through writing a 'proposal' by themselves. Students create an original research plan apart from the topic of research conducted by the students themselves or related to the lab they belong to, create a proposal document, and submit it. This program is offered throughout the year irregularly and intensively.
(* The course period is from April to March of the following year)
Leadership-talent growth program (II)-English Advanced Science Technology-
In the 'Leadership-talent growth program (II)-English Advanced Science Technology-,' students' 'presentation skills in English' are polished. Students explain the topic related to their own research in English and the following question-and-answer session and debate are also conducted in English. This program is offered in winter.
Schedule of English Advanced Science Technoligy in 2024(PDF)
It is also possible to earn credits for this subject by taking the "Clare Hall, University of Cambridge Summer Visiting Student Program," which is an original program of Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology.
- Leadership-talent growth programs
Standard Schedule to Completion of Program
From first to third year | Attend lectures and seminars and obtain the required credits |
Under the guidance of your tutor, consider research topics, formulate research plans, determine research methods, and conduct research. Publish the results of your research in respected academic journals etc. either in Japan or overseas. | |
Third year ※For students schedulede to complete in March (For students schedulede to complete in September.) |
Mid July (Mid February) Persons expected to graduate are determined. |
August-Early November (March-Mid May) Preliminary Defense |
December 1st (June 1st) Submission of degree application documents |
January - Early February (Early to Mid-July) Final Defense |
Late February (Late July) Graduates are determined. Submit final thesis and dissertation-related documents by mid-February (early August) |
End of March (end of September) Diploma Presentation |